
How to add a session



Adding sessions has never been as easy as it is right now. 

  1. Use the website to upload your GPS track file
  2. Use the auto-sync from COROS, GARMIN or SUUNTO
  3. Use GPSResults or GPSAR to upload your speedresults

1. Use the website to upload your GPS track file

You can upload your track file to the website, the speedsresults are calculated on the server and you don't need to install software on your computer. Follow the instruction in the video on youtube:


2. Use the auto-sync from COROS, GARMIN or SUUNTO

Please setup your COROS, GARMIN or SUUNTO  devices following the standard procedure provide by the manufacturer.  After you have successfully signed up for the manufactures platforms you can connect this to GP3S, this is a one- time only setup procedure, when successfully connected every session recorded in WINDSURFING ( or SPEEDSURFING mode from COROS) will be pushed to GP3S. After that you can add gear, equipment, sessions details, etc with the normal posting procedure at GP3S.  To connect, please use this link ->  , or chose from “My Dashboard, My Devices” and proceed. 


3. Use GPSResults or GPSAR to upload your speedresults?

Follow the instructions from the specific software developments to upload to GP3S, please make sure you have set the specific userid & password for this upload feature in your Personal Dashboard, Profile . When you upload your track via GpsResults or GPSAR you need to create an App password. Use this e-mail and password in GpsResults or GPSAR.


Extra information:

The first time you want to post a session you need to fill in the gear you own and the spots you are sailing, you also have to fill in “my profile”. You can add or delete the gear anytime you like to keep everything updated. Now you’re ready to start adding sessions.


When you use the automated upload functionality all you have to do is log in, add gear and comments and push the send button. It won’t get any easier than this. Posted speeds can and will be checked by our timekeepers on a regular base.


Like said, automated uploading or manual uploading are both possible. Go to my sessions and choose automatic or manual add sessions. Fill in all requested data and add comments if you want. Push the send button and your session will be shown in the daily ranking on the right side of the menu.


Sometimes your session will be verified by a timekeeper. The first time you post a session and every time you sail a personal best your session will have to be validated before it appears in the overall rankings.


More info can be found at our Youtube Channel ->